Dec 19, 2008
Internet Explorer (IE) Exploit Patched ??!!!
the recently discovered problem with IE4+ data binding seems 2 have been
patched up!
Read here!
The fix is available here for the time being...As far as reports go,
problem was the bug was noticed by hackers, long before MS realized what,
was going on. But anyways latency time for being hcked, once u connect
an unprotected computer on the net, is a minute or so...IE is the least of
the problems. Happy surfing!
Dec 15, 2008
Zaabiz : Business Networks Explode!
To quote Wiki :-
"Business networking is a marketing method by which business opportunities are created through networks of like-minded business people.
Many business people contend business networking is a more cost-effective method of generating new business than advertising or public relations efforts. "
It goes on to show, how in the new age internet scenario, social networking is gaining
prominence for this form of business network growth.
Notice 2 points of importance here:-
a. Business opportunities - through - like minded people.
b. Cost effective - advertising.
The summary of these to points itself should make you click the following link,
to join a free online business network.
Click here for more!
Fact is for anyone looking out for some business, beyond the boundaries of his/her
visible area, you have to take recourse to some form of internet media. Lately,
social n/w ing sites like twitter etc has gained immense prominence in this field.
While most sites are dedicated to general socialization based on common interest.
Exclusive sites for business processing is also existent.
For example or recently is growing on steroids and has started mass promotions for the said
Click here to know more!
While registering is free the important point is to use such services effectively.
Grow your business through hard times !!!
Read More!
Dec 13, 2008
Short Review : The Day The Earth Stood Still!

Given the amount of hype created around this movie, ud expect to be blown away.
And thats the basic problem with over promise and under delivery.
What this movie does it start of strong flounder all over the middle,
and end when the interest just starts building, leavin the IMAX experience,
wanting. The story revolves around Klaatu, an alien with human form, who drops
in on earth for earning against impending distruction. His companion, a mammoth
robot with equally alien powers, who provides the only eye candy in the movie. Wish
he played the lead role. Enter Jennifer Connelly as Helen Benson, the only support
for Klaatu on the doomed planet.
As much as the movie contains a lot of messages, on humane good will, the screw - up
with nature and other green topics, given the nature of the movie, it really gets
dragging. While the plot moves quite fast, the short duration of the movie, makes you
wonder if it was closed off abrutptly.. Finally you exit the hall wishing, a second part would,
show up to satisfy the expectations.
Nov 21, 2008
The fireworks display and show with the ensemble of stars could have made it,
something out of a fairy tale. Well actually its just another addition to Dubai's, burgeoning skyscrapers and fantasy hotel resorts. The firework display was a 23km show lighting up the entire palm shaped islands. A specialty that sets it apart is the almost 10 million liter aquarium that has raised objections from quarters,
due to its inhabitants of exotic marine life.
Check out the opening video here!
Nov 16, 2008
MeriDhun : Personlize your Music!
Hi all,
Ever heard of MeriDhun.
Well if you havent let me introduce em 2 you.. And if you
have you have definitely kept in touch with the latest trend.
Meridhun basically is a website that specialises in
paid personalized songs. In short it basically allows you
to modify the song with certain customised inputs from you,
such as a name can be substituted for another in the song
itself... Eg. replace Alice with Candice in 'Who the f** is Alice'
Try it out Here!
Nov 9, 2008
Quantum of Solace : Short Review.
To say the least what Casino Royale tried to do with the Bond franchise.. Quantum
of Solace, carried forth with aplomb. That is basically bond is now no more a
womanizer, with gadgets in every inner pocket.
Qantum of Solace, adds more action, fireworks, raw muscle and essential bond quick
wit to make one roller coaster ride. Daniel Craigs search for Vesper's(His Casino
Royale counterpart)killers, continues, as he single handedly uncovers plots covering nations.
The journey moves through some really exotic locales and high level action sequences. Bond seems to have exchanged his gizmos for whatever is available(aka Bourne style knife fights), the showpiece ladies with kick a** gals, and there’s a nice bit of parkour thrown in keeping with the last edition of free running.
Judie Dench as M, does her bit with class and seriousness, her talent though couldn’t fully be exploited given the limited scope of her character.
What you do get at the end of the movie is a lot of high octane action, a 1:45 hour almost, edge of the seat experience, and a lasting impression of Craigs, steel blue eyes. Definitely worth a watch.
Story synopsis at :
Nov 6, 2008
Barack Obama's Victory Speech : Yes We Can!
Nov 5, 2008
Cool Utiliy : Show Hide with JQuery!
with code required to hide/show a paragraph. Well it seems jquery has the
feature nicely put in, implementing the css div hide in a short few lines,
of code.
Here it is :-
$('#faq').find('dd').hide().end().find('dt').click(function() {
and include it in the HTML code :-
Oct 27, 2008
Diwali, Deepavali Greetings!
Diwali or Deepavali is one of the biggest festivals in India, and celebrated by
some of the major religions in the country, mainly Hinduism, Sikhism and Jainism.
While each of the religions have their own reasons for celebration, what unites them
together is that Diwali, The Festival of Lights, signifies the victory of good over
evil. The day of Diwali celebration is on lunar Kartika month, about in October,
or November.

The word Deepavali in itself means a row of lamps. While in North India it is
called Diwali, in Southern India the original word Deepavali still remains.
Just as we celebrate the birth of our physical being, Deepavali is the celebration
of this Inner Light, in particular the knowing of which outshines all darkness
(removes all obstacles and dispels all ignorance), awakening the individual,
to one's true nature, not as the body, but as the unchanging, infinite, immanent and transcendent reality. With the realization of the Atman comes universal compassion, love, and the awareness of the oneness of all things (higher knowledge). This brings Ananda (Inner Joy or Peace).
Diwali celebrates this through festive fireworks, lights, flowers, sharing of sweets, and worship. While the story behind Deepavali varies from region to region, the essence is the same - to rejoice in the Inner Light (Atman) or the underlying reality of all things (Brahman).
The six days of Diwali :-
§ Vasu Baras
§ Dhanatrayodasi or Dhan teras
§ Naraka Chaturdashi
§ Lakshmi Puja
§ Govardhan Puja
§ Bhaiduj
o According to Ramayana, diwali :-
Ø Celebrates return of Lord Ram, from 14-years of exile. This after destroying Ravana the demon king. Legend has that the people of Ayodhya lit up the city with earthen diyas and fireworks to celebrate the return of the king.
Ø Rural areas celebrate this as the Harvest festival. As Diwali occurs at the end of the cropping season, it a cause for more joy and celebration. The prosperity felt at the end of Harvesting season, is celebrated with pomp and show, and offered praises to God for granting another year of good crops.
Ø In the Adi Parva of Mahabhart, the Pandavas returned from the forest during Diwali. This added to the overall mood of Diwali as well over time.
Ø Diwali is the same day when Lord Krishna destroyed Narakasur. The news of this great victory traveled far and fast, and another reason was thus added for a bigger celebration.
Ø According to the Skanda Purana, the goddess Shakti observed 21 days of austerity starting from ashtami of shukla paksha (eighth day of the waxing period of moon) to get half of the body of Lord Shiva. This vrata (austerity) is known as kedhara vrata. Deepavali is the completion day of this austerity. This is the day Lord Shiva accepted Shakti into the left half of the form and appeared as Ardhanarishvara. The ardent devotees observe this 21 days vrata by making a kalasha with 21 threads on it and 21 types of offerings for 35 days. The final day is celebrated as kedhara gauri vrata.
o Amoung follower of Jainism, Diwali can be called the Christmas of Jainism.
On this very day Lord Mahavira, the last of the Jain Tirthankaras, attained Nirvana
or Moksha(by some record on 15th October, 527 BCE).
According to tradition, the chief disciple of Mahavira, Ganadhara Gautam Swami also attained complete knowledge (Kevalgyana) on this day, thus making Diwali one of the most important Jain festivals.
o The significance of Diwali for Sikhs is the vicory of Sikh struggle for freedom.
The Mughal Emperor Jahangir had imprisoned Guru Hargobind and 52 other kings,
from the Gwalior Fort in 1619.
The Emperor was asked to release Guru Hargobind which he agreed to do. However, Guru Hargobind asked that the princes be released also. The Emperor agreed, but said only those who could hold onto his cloak tail would be allowed to leave the prison. This was in order to limit the number of prisoners who could leave.
However, Guru Hargobind had made a large cloak with 52 pieces of string and so each prince was able to hold onto one string and leave prison.
To celebrate this victory and his love for Sikhism, the townspeople lit the way,
to Harmandhir Sahib(or the Golden Temple), in his honor.
Sikhs celebrated the return of Guru Hargobind Ji by lighting the Golden Temple and this tradition continues today.
Notably in Bengal, Kali Puja is light-up night for Kolkata, corresponding to the festival of Diwali (pronounced Dipabali in Bengali), where people light candles in memory of the souls of departed ancestors. The Goddess Kali is worshipped at night on one night during this festival. This is also a night of fireworks, with local youth burning sparklers and crackers throughout the night. Kolkata had to pass legislature a few years back to ban fireworks which break the 65 decibel sound limit, as ambient noise levels were going up to 90 decibels or more in parts of the city.
Oct 22, 2008
Get paid Surveys!
and all I had to do was enroll and fill forms.
Well since it was free, HOW COULD I RESIST!
so after giving the required details(No credit card nos, so no sweat),
managed to fill a survey before I almost fell of the chair, asleep.
Point is as much as its easy to earn filling surveys, you have to have,
a lot of patience to fill those forms.
Sign Up Here!
Oct 17, 2008
So How Did I learn Jquery? : Basics of Jquery!
Oct 14, 2008
Online TV Schedule : India!
amenities around us we still seem to want something quicker and,
more effectively. As is said "Necessity is the mother of all Inventions!"
Point is, I was out looking for a simple way to view the TV schedule in
my country. Turns out even google gives wierd results in this case, half
of no use. But if you are looking for tv schedule in India, check out . Gives a decent view of what is available
online. Unfortunately many of the channels are missing.
Another site is with a cool web 2.0 interface.
Unfortunately while trying it out, it returned a total blank schedule for some
wierd,(db error im guessing), reason. Anyways if anyone has some pointers,
put it through!
Oct 12, 2008
Babylon A.D. : Short Peek!

Well it took a long time coming. But its here never the less, considering
the USA release dates were in beginning September.
A minor part of me wanted to see Babylon A.D because of all the
hoopla about the action. The major part wanted to glimpse Vin Diesel,
in action again. What surprises me sometimes is how he manages to take
the movie forward without showing much of an iota of expression whatsoever.
Anyways the movie was trimmed down to about 95 mins, from the original 160 mins about.
Fortunately or unfortunately, for most in the theater the movie just seemed to start and end. To be more precise, there's just too much information to process,
about an apocalyptic future, coupled with religious fanaticism, degradation of society
etc. etc. The 3D was there with all the eye candy and what is required to
make for a good 95 mins. Its not exactly as spectacular as Transformers,
as deep as The Dark Knight, or as emotional as Children of Men.
But if you want to spend your money on some nice entertainment, Babylon A.D.
does work out!
Oct 8, 2008
How to block safe mode login in Windows XP?
if you want to have this simple job going. A search on google gives the wrong results,
unless u type in the right keywords.
Anyways to read a full review of it I found the right site.
Check out Safe Block review site or better still,
get the software here!
Sep 5, 2008
Knowing google and its simplicity, not surprising that I got a bit lost without the familiar,
Toolbars, and little icons all over the place.
Simply speaking Chrome is a stark contrast to it colleagues ( ie. I.E. and Firefox),
in terms of visual additions.
Starting from base, installation was a breeze, only complaint, did not notice
installation folder options. After that on opening the app., you get a view
of the cleanest browser you ever saw.

The tabs are something similar to
gmail including the colors in blue shades. The top level domain in the
address bar gets highlighted in black while rest in in gray. Than comes the
tabs which are pretty similar to the other browsers in functioning etc.
Now for the better part. A new option called Incognito clears you off the tedious
task of clearing cookies and browsing history for certain 'Specific Sites'.
In this mode your cookies and history are not recorder though, other functionalities,
for the site remain the same. Simply put browser monitored data is whipped clean.
Although add-ons are still not out, I guess it wont be long before google follows the
firefox way.
The developer tab has a javascript counsel and other inputs that make it
similar to firebug, though not exactly the same.
No point writing from scrap because I didn't get the time to go through all
the features, but get an inside scoop on the developer at IT-Eye.
Abiding time for playing around a bit more with Chrome.
Sep 2, 2008
Where is google chrome?
is supposed to create a small mass hysteria(kinda oxymoron).
And rightly so!
Each nifty tool they have come up with has created a small revolution,
with the waves generating major changes on the sea-shore.
Before I get too poetic, im all excited for the new browser coming
up from google called Google Chrome!
I did get on the bandwagon a bit late as I was stuck up with another sector
of online gizmo's, but hey its better late than never.
So the news is that Google is releasing Chrome in about a 100 countries
today!(Read report!)
But more specifically the Chrome team came up with a unique comic strip.
A promotion gimmick, ...maybe! But it does explain basic reasoning,
on the features of Chrome in simple manner. Get the comic here!
I haven't got my hands on the installer yet, but the screen shots look good,
Check em out here!.
Will update(if any) soon!
Plausible download site for Chrome click here!
Aug 27, 2008
Mind Maps - Give shape to your thoughts!
Have you ever had this strange urge, where your mind seems to be a relay station,
for multiple thoughts flying around in the air? Confused…. Ok consider this…
You go walking on the road and see this nice picture of a colorful garden.
You decide to draw a picture of it when you go home…
Next along the road you find on the window display, a Thai cuisine,
and you get the next urge in order to try it out in your kitchen…
As you return home you suddenly remember you got your clothes to wash,
in your to-do list and you got to fix it up pronto…
Bam… there goes all your previous ideas as you now have a brand new priority.
Well Mind maps are something to order your though process in pictorial form as a linear graph…
The example I put up is not exactly the best in line, but it just about explains what I’m trying to get across.
Don’t even think for a moment that I’m totally an expert in the subject.
Thing is as a single guy trying to juggle between two jobs, I do get pressed for time.
The requirements of one job do interfere with that of the other with the result,
that I usually end up confusing, mixing and finally forgetting what I’m supposed to do.
So the solution for it…. No not mind maps.. But productivity tools!
We do need to organize our life in a certain manner to get things done systematically.
Not that we have to be auto bots or something… but the line for disarray have to be drawn somewhere…
While I do use a system of calendars, alarms, reminders, planners, and even,
productivity wallpapers for this purpose(OMG!), mind maps give a hard view to what I want to do.
According to Wiki Mind Maps are :-
A mind map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks,
or other items linked to and arranged radially around a central key word or idea.
It is used to generate, visualize, structure, and classify ideas, and as an aid in study, organization, problem solving, decision making, and writing.
And that’s exactly what someone into business, job, writing,
or even a student can use to sort his priorities and his mindset out….
A to do list is not always a helpful companion if you are planning a business campaign.
(Jump Start your business with the newest technology in the market.
Use the internet to get your business on steroids. Know more Here!)
Well that said by using a network of nodes, links, lines and diagrams you can practically download your messed up mind into paper and have a view over it.
To explain more would be pointless without actually trying it out.
Id suggest using FreeMind for this purpose. A free software for mind maps with all the functionality that is required.
Functionality would mean something like this :-
- Fully functional following of HTML links stored in the nodes, be it www links or links to local files.
- From very early versions, Freemind supports folding which is its essential property.
- Fast one-click navigation, including folding / unfolding on one click and following links on one click at the same time (you don't have to make choice between fast following of links and fast fold/unfold). You can move the map by dragging the map's background as well as using mouse wheel.
- Undo
- Smart Drag'n Drop, including the possibility to copy nodes or copy style of nodes; dragging and dropping of multiple selected nodes; dropping of texts or list of files from outside
- Smart copying and pasting into, including pasting of links from HTML or structuring the pasted content on the basis of the number of leading spaces in a line; pasting of lists of selected files
- Smart copying and pasting from, including plain text and RTF (MS Wordpad, MS Word, MS Outlook messages).
- Export of map to HTML, with folding.
- Find facility, where found items are shown one by one as you do "find next", and the map is unfolded only for the current item.
- Possibility to use and edit long multiline nodes; even with newlines
- Possibility to decorate nodes with built-in icons, colors and different fonts.
- Low costs of risk of switching away to another mind mapping tool, because FreeMind stores maps in XML format. If you have a lot of maps created by FreeMind and you want to switch to another program, writing a conversion program should be easy, especially if that program features Visual Basic scripting facility. Christoph Rissner describes in his article ( at IICM site ( his implementation ( of data exchange between FreeMind and MindManager.
- File mode enables you to browse the files on your computer, seeing the folder structure as mind map.
Uses of Mind Maps can be tabulated as :-
- Keeping track of projects, including subtasks, state of subtasks and time recording
- Project workplace, including links to necessary files, executables, source of information and of course information
- Workplace for internet research using Google and other sources
- Keeping a collection of small or middle sized notes with links on some area which expands as needed. Such a collection of notes is sometimes called knowledge base.
- Essay writing and brainstorming, using colors to show which essays are open, completed, not yet started etc, using size of nodes to indicate size of essays. I don't have one map for one essay, I have one map for all essays. I move parts of some essays to other when it seems appropriate.
- Keeping a small database of something with structure that is either very dynamic or not known in advance. The main disadvantage of such approach when compared to traditional database applications are poor query possibilities, but I use it that way anyway - contacts, recipes, medical records etc. You learn about the structure from the additional data items you enter. For example, different medical records use different structure and you do not have to analyze all the possible structures before you enter the first medical record.
- Commented internet favorites or bookmarks, with colors and fonts having the meaning you want.
Resources :-
Mind Maps How – To :- Learn How to Draw Mind Maps
Online Collaborative Mind Map Tool :-
List of Mind Mapping Tools :- Click Here!
Aug 12, 2008
Kerala version of The Hotel California - Just Read it!
Coconut oil in my hair
Warm smell of avial
Rising up through the air
Up ahead in the distance
I saw a bright pink tube-light
My tummy rumbled, I felt weak and thin
I had to stop for a bite
There he stood in the doorway
Flicked his mundu in style
And I was thinking to myself
I don't like the look of his sinister smile
Then he lit up a petromax
Muttering "No power today"
More Mallus down the corridor
I thought I heard them say
Welcome to the Hotel Kerala-fonia
Such a lousy place,
Such a lousy place (background)
Such a sad disgrace,
Plenty of bugs at the Hotel Kerala-fonia
Any time of year
Any time of year (background)
It's infested here
It's infested here
His finger's stuck up his nostril
He's got a big, thick mustache
He makes an ugly, ugly noise
But that's just his laugh
Buxom girls clad in pavada
Eating banana chips
Some roll their eyes, and
Some roll their hips
I said to the manager
My room's full of mice
He said,
Don't worry, saar,I sending you
meen karri, brandy and ice
And still those voices were crying from far away
Wake you up in the middle of the night
Just to hear them pray
Save us from the Hotel Kerala-fonia
Such a lousy place,
Such a lousy place (background)
Such a sad disgrace
Trying to live at the Hotel Kerala-fonia
It is no surprise
It is no surprise (background)
That it swarms with flies
The blind man was pouring
Stale sambar on rice
And he said
We are all just actors here
In Silk Smitha-disguise
And in the dining chamber
We gathered for the feast
We stab it with our steely knives
But we just can't cut that beef
Last thing I remember
I was writhing on the floor
That cockroach in my appam-stew was the culprit,
I am sure
Relax, said the watchman
This enema will make you well
And his friends laughed as they held me Down
God's Own Country? Oh, Hell!
Get mp3 Here!
Jul 4, 2008
Puri Rathyatra Now Online!
Now you can see the Puri rathyatra online itself.
Go to
Of course at a guess I believe it will only be there for sometime!
Jul 2, 2008
Where My Ideas Find A Resting Place!
Than why the third one?
Good logic to work out on one only. But since I could not get an option
to create pages with separate topics, I decided to start one as a compromise.
Here I plan to put in a mish mash of data, from multiple streams of thought processes,
that keeps flirting around my gray cells.
Some interesting(I hope), some an inconsistent ramble that just needed to be
typed out.